2 aktuelle Build (Sep/Oct 2009)

Tipps und Tricks zum Spiel oder aber auch Hinweise zum Aufbau eines Charakters
Beiträge: 52
Registriert: Dienstag 2. Dezember 2008, 21:51
Wohnort: New York

2 aktuelle Build (Sep/Oct 2009)

Beitrag von hoschi »

Ich hatte bisher noch keine Lust die Beschreibung ins Deutsche zu uebersetzen, da ich das fuer die Build-Sektion unseres Forums geschrieben habe. Sollte aber eigentlich offensichtlich sein.

Hier sind 2 Builds die derzeit gespielt werden, mit ein paar Infos zu jeder Position :)

[Rush][Bull's Strike][Frenzy][Eviscerate][Body Blow][Disrupting Chop][Shock][Resurrection Signet]
[Sprint][Bull's Strike][Frenzy][Whirling Axe][Dismember][Body Blow][Disrupting Chop][Death Pact Signet]
[Empathic Removal]["Go For The Eyes!"][Vicious Attack][Spear of Lightning][Anthem of Envy][Anthem of Weariness][Aggressive Refrain][Resurrection Signet]
[Mind Shock][Shell Shock][Lightning Orb][Strip Enchantment][Blinding Flash][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Air Attunement][Resurrection Signet]
[Mirror of Ice][Shard Storm][Freezing Gust][Rust][Blurred Vision][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Water Attunement][Flesh of my Flesh]
[Restore Condition][Reversal of Fortune][Guardian][Spirit Bond][Shielding Hands][Aura of Stability][Holy Veil][Balanced Stance]
[Word of Healing][Patient Spirit][Guardian][Infuse Health][Draw Conditions][Signet of Rejuvenation][Cure Hex][Disciplined Stance]
["You're all alone!"][Soothing Memories][Wielder's Boon][Resilient Weapon][Weapon of Warding][Protective was Kaolai][Recuperation][Sprint]

This has more of a spike. I've seen different variations of the Paragon, some play with [["The Power is Yours!"]. However, i'd prefer to run that as dual-paragon combination. In this build, the Paragon is basically a standing deep wound and 100 added spike damage - apart from his general toolbox setup.

Jobs (Front- and Midline)
  • [[Eviscerate] - Warrior
    Call targets, probably a good idea to alternate calls from time to time with the 2nd warrior, to hide spikes from the enemy backline. Make sure you call spikes every 5-8s, don't wait any longer. Do a 4-count on a spike, to the Ele has time enough to throw his stuff in, as well as the Mesmer.
  • [[Whirling Axe] - Warrior
    Assist on Spikes. Watch the target to get any Stance off right away with [[Whirling Axe], so any KD's and damage will actually hit the target. Also, this is the alternate Flagrunner and might also split back into the base to help kill stuff. If required, call targets alternating with the 1st warrior.
  • [[Empathic Removal] - Paragon
    Busy bar. Keep your shouts up, call whenever you bring up [[Anthem of Envy] ("Envy up"). Join spike with [["Go For The Eyes!"]+[[Vicious Attack]+[[Spear of Lightning]. In between spikes, charge your adrenaline by consistently beating on a target - use a Warrior with [[Frenzy] to charge up adrenaline for example. [[Empathic Removal] should be used to keep one of the Warrior's clean as well, but under heavy Hex-pressure you need to listen to the Monk's calls and help them out. Call when you use [[Empathic Removal] ("off one") for example.
  • [[Mind Shock] - Ele
    Join spikes with [[Mind Shock] or [[Lightning Orb], use a pre-emptive [[Shell Shock] on high armor targets. Keep their main physical damage dealer blinded with [[Blinding Flash]. Use [[Strip Enchantment] when called for on Spikes.
  • [[Mirror of Ice] - Ele
    Join spikes with [[Rust] + one of [[Freezing Gust] or [[Shard Storm]. Keep any Rangers away with [[Blurred Vision] and snare their offensive targets. When called for, snare their Runner or Monks as well - depending on the situation.
The rest of the jobs is clear. Monks, follow damage. Be vocal and call stuff out. Same goes for the Flagger.

Dual Para Spike
[Empathic Removal]["Go For The Eyes!"][Vicious Attack][Spear of Lightning][Anthem of Envy][Anthem of Weariness][Aggressive Refrain][Resurrection Signet]
["The Power Is Yours!"][Vicious Attack][Spear of Lightning][Energizing Finale][Mending Refrain][Anthem of Flame][Aggressive Refrain][Resurrection Signet]
[Keen Arrow][Power Shot][Distracting Shot][Savage Shot][Natural Stride][Lightning Reflexes][Glass Arrows][Death Pact Signet]
[Mind Shock][Shell Shock][Lightning Orb][Strip Enchantment][Blinding Flash][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Air Attunement][Resurrection Signet]
[Mirror of Ice][Shard Storm][Freezing Gust][Rust][Blurred Vision][Glyph of Lesser Energy][Water Attunement][Flesh of my Flesh]
[Restore Condition][Reversal of Fortune][Guardian][Spirit Bond][Shielding Hands][Aura of Stability][Holy Veil][Balanced Stance]
[Word of Healing][Patient Spirit][Guardian][Infuse Health][Draw Conditions][Signet of Rejuvenation][Cure Hex][Disciplined Stance]
["You're all alone!"][Soothing Memories][Wielder's Boon][Resilient Weapon][Weapon of Warding][Protective was Kaolai][Recuperation][Sprint]

Quite a hard spike that - if done properly - will instantly kill a target. Good defense, too, as you have alof of high armor targets and a good, defensive midline.
The Ranger is the spike caller, unless he's away, in which case the Paragons will take over.

Jobs (Front- and Midline)
  • [[Empathic Removal] - Paragon
    Busy bar. Keep your shouts up, call whenever you bring up [[Anthem of Envy] ("Envy up"). Join spike with [["Go For The Eyes!"]+[[Vicious Attack]+[[Spear of Lightning]. In between spikes, charge your adrenaline by consistently beating on a target - use a Warrior with [[Frenzy] to charge up adrenaline for example. [[Empathic Removal] should be used to keep one of the Warrior's clean as well, but under heavy Hex-pressure you need to listen to the Monk's calls and help them out. Call when you use [[Empathic Removal] ("off one") for example.
  • [["The Power Is Yours!"] - Paragon
    Another busy bar. Keep your shouts up and slowly get [[Mending Refrain] on the back- and midline. They need to tell you if it wears off. [[Energizing Finale] on the Backline as well. You can decide to join Spikes, or fake a spike on a different target a little bit early to confuse their Infuse monk.
  • [[Glass Arrows] - Ranger
    Call spikes. Keep [[Glass Arrows] up all the time and try to get [[Lightning Reflexes] up as much as possible. Spike with [[Keen Arrow]+[[Savage Shot] and [[Power Shot]+[[Distracting Shot].
  • [[Mind Shock] - Ele
    Join spikes with [[Mind Shock] or [[Lightning Orb], use a pre-emptive [[Shell Shock] on high armor targets. Keep their main physical damage dealer blinded with [[Blinding Flash]. Use [[Strip Enchantment] when called for on Spikes.
  • [[Mirror of Ice] - Ele
    Join spikes with [[Rust] + one of [[Freezing Gust] or [[Shard Storm]. Keep any Rangers away with [[Blurred Vision] and snare their offensive targets. When called for, snare their Runner or Monks as well - depending on the situation.
The rest of the jobs is clear. Monks, follow damage. Be vocal and call stuff out. Same goes for the Flagger.